
  • 폼페이오 국무장관 하원 외교위 청문회 발언
    주요 발언 및 자료 전문 2018. 5. 24. 08:12

    [1] 폼페이오 국무장관 하원 외교위 청문회 모두발언 중 북한부분 발췌

    Our top national security priority has been the de-nuclearization of North Korea. The maximum pressure campaign of diplomatic and economic sanctions is bearing fruit with the historic meeting set to take place on June 12th. This campaign has been undertaken in concert with an unprecedented number of allies and partners. Our posture will not change until we see credible steps taken toward the complete, verifiable, and irreversible de-nuclearization of the Korean peninsula. We are clear-eyed about the regime’s history. It’s time to solve this once and for all. A bad deal is not an option. The American people are counting on us to get this right. If the right deal is not on the table, we will respectfully walk away.

    관련 풀 텍스트는 아직 올라와 있지 않습니다. 아래 사이트에 접속하면 풀 동영상을 볼 수 있습니다. 


    [2] 관련 워싱턴포스트 기사 

    Pompeo promises ‘zero concessions’ to North Korea until ‘credible steps’ are made

    By Karoun Demirjian and John Hudson

    May 23 at 12:29 PM

    Secretary of State Mike Pompeo sought Wednesday to mitigate lawmakers’ concerns that President Trump’s diplomatic venture with North Korea is faltering, stressing that the United States has not made any concessions to the regime and will continue to hold firm until Pyongyang takes “credible steps” toward denuclearization.

    “We have made zero concessions to Chairman Kim to date, and we have no intention of doing so,” Pompeo told the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Wednesday during his first congressional grilling as secretary of state, referring to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

    Pompeo’s trip to Capitol Hill came as the White House has signaled doubts about its timeline for talks with North Korea on scaling back its nuclear ambitions in exchange for the mitigation of sanctions. On Tuesday, Trump said there was a “substantial chance” that the summit would be canceled as it emerged that North Korean officials skipped a planning meeting in Singapore last week. 

    Pompeo told lawmakers Wednesday that plans are in place to hold the historic meeting on June 12, although he added, “That decision will ultimately be up to Chairman Kim.”

    Pompeo assumed a similarly hard line on resuming talks with Iran, promising to “apply unprecedented financial pressure” and suggesting that economic sanctions are just one of several measures the United States will use against the regime in Tehran. To achieve a new nuclear deal, he added, Iran “simply needs to change its behavior.”

    He did not back off the Trump administration’s threat to apply sanctions to European companies that do business with Iran, saying companies must wind down operations in Iran or face penalties, and promised lawmakers that “we will come back to you seeking further authority” for additional measures to squeeze Tehran.

    The hearing turned combative as Democrats challenged Pompeo for presenting Congress with a State Department budget that maintains deep cuts to diplomatic and developmental activities — a budget that Rep. Eliot L. Engel (D-N.Y.), the ranking Democrat on the Foreign Affairs Committee, called “insulting” and predicted that Congress would reject.

    Pompeo told lawmakers that he stood behind the administration’s $39.3 billion request for the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development — more than $16 billion less than was budgeted for the fiscal cycle — even though Congress rejected a similar cut to State Department coffers last year.

    “I will ensure that the State Department has every dollar it needs to achieve its mission around the world . . . and not one dollar more,” Pompeo told lawmakers.

    The comment stands in sharp contrast to the stance Pompeo took during his confirmation hearing last month, when he told members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that he would “take the extra dollar” if Congress offered him more money for the State Department.

    Pompeo had indicated to lawmakers that he would attempt to revive the State Department after many accused his predecessor, Rex Tillerson, of starving it through budget cuts and hiring freezes. Pompeo said Wednesday that “the freeze is no longer” and hinted that the administration would soon announce nominees to fill several lingering vacancies.

    “I’m looking forward to getting the whole team built back,” he said.

    But lawmakers expressed alarm that Pompeo doubled down defending budget cuts almost as draconian as the ones the administration had proposed under Tillerson. 

    Tillerson “said almost exactly the same thing that you said,” Rep. Gregory W. Meeks (D-N.Y.) told Pompeo. “I’m worried about that aspect of it.”

    Pompeo refused to give direct answers when Democrats challenged him to articulate whether the Trump Organization’s financial dealings in countries with which the United States was locked in negotiations, or whether Trump’s apparent eagerness to help China save the technology firm ZTE despite security concerns, were appropriate.

    Rep. William R. Keating (D-Mass.) asked whether Pompeo would at least be willing to tell the president not to use a ZTE phone — in line with a government-wide ban on ZTE products that lawmakers are trying to impose as part of the annual defense authorization bill. 

    “You can’t do that for America?” Keating asked.

    Pompeo said he would not comment on personal conversations with the president.

    He also offered only measured assurances to Democrats who said the Trump administration had given Russia “a pass” after its interference in the U.S. electoral process. Pompeo said the Trump administration would take “appropriate countermeasures” to fend off “continued efforts” by Moscow to interfere in the upcoming 2018 congressional midterm elections, but he did not specify what those actions would be.

    Pompeo also struck a tone similar to Trump’s when it came to NATO and Europe, echoing the president’s increasingly ascetic posture toward U.S. allies by saying it was “time for other nations, especially those with high GDP, to assume greater responsibilities and devote greater resources toward our common objectives.”

    “We expect good help, good financial support from our partners and allies,” Pompeo said.

    Pompeo also had particularly harsh words for NATO member Turkey, which has been criticized for making alliances, including signing arms deals, with Russia and Iran.

    “We need them to be a NATO partner. . . . We need their behavior to reflect the objectives of NATO,” said Pompeo, who met last month with his Turkish counterpart to express frustration with Ankara’s decision to buy a Russian surface-to-air missile system that is not compatible with NATO’s defenses.

    Pompeo said Turkey needs to participate in NATO “in a way where their actions are consistent” with the alliance’s values “and not take actions that undermine its efforts.”

    He also had a warning for Venezuela, promising that the United States would respond “reciprocally” to the recent expulsion of the top U.S. diplomat in Caracas and foreshadowing a U.S. expulsion of Venezuelan diplomats in Washington.

    On Tuesday, the government of President Nicolás Maduro expelled Todd Robinson, the U.S. charge d’affaires, and his deputy, Brian Naranjo, accusing them of conspiring against the socialist government. Tensions have heightened between the two governments after Maduro’s victory Sunday in the presidential election, which the White House has called a “sham.”

    Pompeo said Wednesday that the United States is watching Maduro “continue to engage in destructive behavior for the Venezuelan people.” 

    Pompeo will return to Capitol Hill on Thursday to appear before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) has said that the hearing also will function as a chance to hear the administration’s position on new congressional efforts to pass a new authorization for the use of military force against extremist groups.

    출처 : 


    [3] 관련 연합뉴스 기사 

    폼페이오 장관은 이날 하원 외교위 청문회에서 6·12 북미정상회담의 개최 여부에 대해 "그 결정은 궁극적으로 김 위원장에게 달려 있다. 그가 회담을 요청했고 대통령은 만나기로 합의했다"며 "나는 6월12일로 예정된 그 회담이 열릴 것이라는데 매우 희망적"이라고 밝혔다.


    그러면서 "우리는 (북한이 약속을 파기한) 역사의 교훈들에 대해 눈을 크게  뜨고 있지만, 세계를 위해 멋진 결과를 달성할 수 있다는데 낙관적"이라고 내다봤다.

    북한과의 비핵화 협상과 관련, "나쁜 합의는 선택지가 아니다"라며 "올바른 거래가 (협상) 테이블 위에 올려지지 않는다면 우리는  정중하게 (협상장을) 떠날 것"이라고 말했다. 

    "완전하고 검증 가능하며 불가역적인 한반도 비핵화(CVID)를 향한 믿을 만한 조치가 취해지는 걸 보기 전까지 우리의 자세는 변하지 않을 것"이라고 CVID  원칙을 재확인하며 "우리는 그(북한) 정권의 역사에 대해 직시하고 있다. 이 문제를  완전히 해결해야 할 때"라고 말했다.

    폼페이오 장관은 "우리는 지금까지 김 위원장에게 양보한 게 전혀 없으며 (zero concessions) 그렇게 할 의사가 없다"고 못박았다.   

    폼페이오 장관은 방북 당시 김 위원장과의 면담 내용과 관련, "상호목표가 무엇인지에 대해 이야기를 나눴다. 이 세계가 요구하는 것들과 미국이 요구하는 것들,  그리고 북한이 원하는 것에 대하여…"라고 설명했다.

    "공통된 접점을 찾아가기 위해 여전히 할 일이 많은 부분이 남아있지만,  그(김 위원장)도 그의 주민들을 위한 경제적 성장과 복지가 (자신의) '전략적 변화'에 달려 있다는 것을 이해한다는 점을 솔직하게 공유했다"며 "우리는 그가  그것(전략적 변화)를 도모할 준비가 돼 있기를 희망하고 있다"고 밝혔다.

    폼페이오 장관은 특히 "(북한에 대한) 우리의 요구는 모호하지 않았다"며 "내가 그(김 위원장)와 이야기를 나눌 때 (북한에) 요구되는 검증 작업의 범위, 즉 '진짜 비핵화'가 이루어졌다고 미국이 이해하는 데 필요한 모든 요소에 대해 그 이상 더  명확할 수 없을 정도로 설명했다"며 '진짜 비핵화'를 입증하는 데 필요한 조치들에 대한 미국의 요구사항을 매우 분명히 전달했다고 말했다. 그는 또 김 위원장이 "이런 부분들에 대해 이해했다"고 덧붙였다.

    폼페이오 장관은 김 위원장이 비핵화에 대한 보상으로 "그러한 목적(비핵화)이 달성되는 시기가 왔을 때 그 대가로 민간 부문 기업, 그리고 다른 부문으로부터의 지식과 노하우, 대외 원조 등의 형태로 미국으로부터 경제적 도움을 받은 것이 자신에게 중요하다는 점을 분명히 했다"고 밝혔다.

    김 위원장이 "세계로부터의 체제안전 보장과 평화협정이라는 궁극적인 목표로 이어지는 남북한 간 현재 상태의 종식을 원했다"고 전했다.

    그는 "이러한 것들이 우리가 논의한 목적들로, 나는 그(김 위원장)와 트럼프 대통령이 몇 주 후 그 부분을 더 심도있게 구체화할 기회를 얻게 되길 희망한다"며  "그가 트럼프 대통령과 만날 기회를 얻게 되면 어떻게 해야 나라를 가장 잘 운영할지에 대한 '전략적 변화'를 택하길 바란다"고 강조했다.

    그러면서 "사실 핵무기 프로그램은 그(북한) 정권의 힘을 유지해 주지만 동시에 그 정권의 경제적 성장을 가로막는 것"이라며 핵 포기를 거듭 촉구했다. 

    그는 또한 북한의 인권유린·침해 문제와 관련, "이 문제는 나와 김 위원장  사이(의 대화)에서 직접 제기됐다"며 "그리고 이는 앞으로의 진행 과정에서 (북미간) 논의의 일부가 될 것"이라고 밝혔다.

    북한인권 문제를 회담 의제로 정한 것이냐는 질문에는 "우리는 각자가 준비하고 있는 데 대한 개괄적인 윤곽을 갖고 있다"고만 언급했다.

    폼페이오 장관은 김 위원장과의 면담 상황에 대해 "우리는 과거 속아왔던  일들에 대해 눈을 크게 뜨고 다시는 그런 일이 일어나지 않도록 할 것"이라면서도 "그는 자신이 말하고 있는 대화 주제에 대해 잘 알고 있으며 메모를 보고 읽지도 않았다. 우리는 통역을 통해 진짜 대화를 했다"고 말했다. 

    이어 "우리는 미국이 준비하고 있는 것, 그리고 그걸 어떻게 준비할지에 대한 어려운 대화를 나누곤 했다"며 "그것은 우리의 요구들, 그리고 그것을 달성하기 위해 북한에 필요로 하는 것들(에 대한) '진짜 대화'였다"고 덧붙였다. 

    그러면서 "과거 북한 사람들과 했던 것과 같은 격식을 차린 대화는 아니었다"며 "그는 (선대와는) 다른 세대이고 다른 시대를 살고 있다"고 말했다. //

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